S4S4N Napisano 7 Czerwca 2018 #513988 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 7 Czerwca 2018 Game Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description bottomcolor 0 0 255 Integer Sets the bottom color of your player model which others see. cl_autowepswitch 2 0 2 0 Integer 0. disables weapon auto switch. 1. auto switch to any weapon you pick up. 2. Auto switch if the weapon you pick up is "stronger". cl_disablespecs 0 0 1 0 Boolean Disable players from spectating you. cl_logocolor #Valve_Orange String Defines the color of your spray: #Valve_Blue, #Valve_Brown, #Valve_Dkgray, #Valve_Ltblue, #Valve_Ltgray, #Valve_Green, #Valve_Orange, #Valve_Red, #Valve_Yellow cl_logofile lambda String Defines which spray you want to use: 8ball1, andre, camp1, chick1, chuckskull, devl1, gun1, lambda, skull, smiley, splatt, tiki, v_1 default_fov 90 30 130 90/100/105 Integer Sets the field of view in Half-Life. This will alter with your sensitivity if you try to adjust it. If you use 4:3 with default_fov 90, but wish to maintain aspect ratio on widescreen resolutions, then 16:10 = 100, 16:9 = 105. By lowering default_fov it can be used to get a "zoom" effect even for a gun without a scope. model barney String Sets your model in game. name Player String Sets your name. topcolor 0 0 255 Integer Sets the top color of your player model which others see. Movement Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description cl_backspeed 400 0 * 400 Integer Sets the speed using the backward key (+back). This should be equal to cl_forward and cl_sidespeed or you will have problems holding forward and left at the same time, for example. The max value is *limited by sv_maxspeed set server side. cl_forwardspeed 400 0 * 400 Integer Sets the speed using the forward key (+forward). This should be equal to cl_backspeed and cl_sidespeed or you will have problems holding forward and left at the same time, for example. The max value is *limited by sv_maxspeed server side cl_movespeedkey 0.52 0.0 0.52 0.52 Float The multiplier of cl_forward/cl_sidespeed at which you move when +speed is active. cl_pitchdown 89 8 8 89 Integer Sets the maximum view angle to look down. cl_pitchspeed 225 50 8 225 Integer This is how fast your view looks up/down when using the commands +lookup/+lookdown. cl_pitchup 89 8 8 89 Integer Sets the maximum view angle to look up. cl_sidespeed 400 0 * 400 Integer Sets the speed using the move left and move right key (+moveleft and +moveright). This should be equal to cl_backspeed and cl_forwardspeed or you will have problems holding forward and left at the same time, for example. This is *limited by sv_maxspeed server side. cl_upspeed 320 0 * 320 Integer Sets the speed of swimming up/down in water (+jump and +duck). The max value is *limited by sv_maxspeed server side. cl_yawspeed 210 0 8 210 Integer Defines turn speed with +left and +right. Mouse Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description lookspring 0 0 1 0 Boolean Enables automatic view centering when Mouse Look is disabled (-mlook). It should be set when mouse look is enabled(+mlook). It also disable the up and down mouse movements. lookstrafe 0 0 1 0 Boolean When enabled, the left/right mouse movements strafe instead of turn. m_filter 0 0 1 0 Boolean Toggles mouse filter. Mouse filter runs algorhythms to "smooth" out mouse movements. m_forward 1 0 8 1 Integer Defines how sensitively you move forward/backward while moving your mouse. Mouse look needs to be disabled to move forward/backward with your mouse. m_pitch 0.022 -0.044 0.044 0.022 Float Sets the sensitivity ratio of up and down mouse movements. Negative numbers causes inverted mouse movements. m_side 0.8 0.0 8 0.8 Float Defines how fast you strafe while moving your mouse. It Needs lookstrafe 1 and Mouse Look Enabled(+mlook) to strafe with your mouse. m_yaw 0.022 8 8 0.022 Float Sets the sensitivity ratio of left and right mouse movements. Negative numbers cause inverted mouse movements. sensitivity 3.0 1.0 20.0 Float Sets mouse sensitivity. v_centermove 0.150 0.0 8 0.150 Float Sets the distance to walk before your view centers while mouse look is disabled and lookspring 1 is active. v_centerspeed 500 0 8 500 Integer Defines how fast your crosshair is centered while mouse look is disabled and lookspring 1 is active. zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2 0.0 8 1.2 Float Defines the sensitivity ratio when zoomed. Net Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description cl_allowdownload 1 0 1 1 Boolean Allow maps, models, sounds, sprites, textures to download from a server. cl_allowupload 1 0 1 1 Boolean Allow the upload of your custom spray when connecting to a server. cl_cmdbackup 2 0 8 0 Integer With each command packet (cl_cmdrate), we can re-send the last few previous movement commands (in case there is packet loss so that we can keep moving smoothly in the face of minor network problems. The default number of "backup" commands that we send is 2, but you can change this number by setting cl_cmdbackup to another number. You can send more than 8 backup commands. Note: sending backup commands will increase your outgoing bandwidth usage. cl_clockreset 0.1 0.0 8 0.1 Float If the client clock drifts more than cl_clockreset from the server, it immediately snaps back to use the server value and resets the delta to 0 – usually occurs whilst connecting to a server and maybe if there is a lot of packet loss. cl_cmdrate 30 15 100 100 Integer This is the maximum number of command packets you can send to the server per second. The default send's up to 30 command packets per second up to the server. If you are running faster than 30 frames per second, then multiple commands will be put into some packets. You can change the rate of sending command packets to the server by setting the cl_cmdrate cvar. cl_dlmax 128 16 1024 16 Integer cl_dlmax determines the “fragment” size for chunks of player decals, etc. that are downloaded while playing the game. Clamped to 16 to 1024 bytes. It can be useful to try and limit decals from taking up a lot of bandwidth – this made a lot more sense back when everyone was on 14.4 kbps modems. cl_fixtimerate 7.5 0.0 8 7.5 Float cl_fixtimerate is the number of ms per frame of “clock drift” fixup. Since the server is sending timestamps in every packet, but we only read networking once per frame, we don’t want to just “accept” the server clock, so we use it as a target and “correct” towards it by the fixtimerate (unless the delta becomes too large and we snap the client to the server clock). cl_gaitestimation 1 0 1 1 Boolean cl_gaitestimation uses an alternate path for computing the velocity of other players, which is used to drive their lower body (leg) animations. cl_lc 1 0 1 1 Boolean This is called "server-side hit computation and lag compensation". This only works if the server is allowing lag compensation (sv_unlag 1) and if the firing player is requesting lag compensation (cl_lc 1 - note that the player must also be predicting weapon firing client-side, too, or cl_lc is ignored). Don't change this. See also cl_lw. cl_lw 1 0 1 1 Boolean This is called "client-side weapon firing prediction". What this refers to is the instantaneous set of effects that occur when the fire button is pressed. These effects are all done client-side if client-side weapon firing prediction is enabled (cl_lw is 1). The effects include: starting the weapon firing animation, showing any muzzle flash, creating any ejected shells, drawing decals and bullet puffs at the impact spot on the wall of the map, starting the weapon firing sound, etc. However, the actual determination of whether the shot (for hit-scan weapons at least) hit another player is calculated server-side. If this is disabled, Lag Compensation is also disabled. See cl_lc. cl_nosmooth 0 0 1 1 Boolean Defines if prediction errors will be smoothly corrected over the cl_smoothtime time. If set to 1, prediction error smoothing is disabled (same with cl_smoothime 0). cl_resend 6.0 1.5 20.0 3.0 Float Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt. This is when you have problem connecting to server and when you see : "Retrying connection to server #1". This has nothing to do with netcode like people originally thought. cl_shownet 0 0 2 0 Integer 0 = Do not display any information. 1 = Print current incoming packet size in byte in console. 2 = Print information about the current incoming packet and it's size inconsole. cl_smoothtime 0.1 0.0 8 0 Float Defines the amount of time the view will be smoothly correct after a prediction error. If we set cl_smoothtime to 0 (or cl_nosmooth to 1), our interpolation wont be 'smoothed' or corrected and we will see the actual position of the players. Note that this will cause a jump in the players movements, but they will be correct. cl_solid_players 1 0 1 1 Boolean Whether the movement prediction engine should treat other players as solid. cl_timeout 300 0 * 90 Integer When the server has crashed and you are lagged out, this is how many seconds to wait before automatically disconnecting. The max value is *limited by sv_timeout (server side). cl_updaterate 20 15 100 100 Integer The number of updates per second you request from the server. cl_vsmoothing 0.05 0.0 8 0.0 Float This is called "View smoothing", it enables interpolation between view vectors. It smooths/interpolates the view origin and angles when riding trains/plats. 0.05 should be good (if you have above 20 fps). 0 disables it and is a performance optimization. ex_interp 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.05 Float Sets the amount of time (in seconds) to interpolate in between each successive update (cl_updaterate). graphheight 64 * * 64 Integer Sets the height of net_graph. *Limited by resolution hpk_maxsize 1.5 0.0 8 0 Float Defines the maximum size of custom.hpk in your ag folder, custom.hpk is used to store other players logos in. It's value is in MB, a value of 0 means no maximum size. net_graph 0 0 3 3 Integer Enables the use of a net_graph. It displays information about your settings, ping, fps, etc. dependent on the type of net graph. net_graphpos 0 0 2 2 Integer Sets the position of net_graph. 0 = right, 1 = center, 2 = left net_graphwidth 192 * * 192 Integer Sets the width of net_graph. Higher number is wider net_graph. *Limited by resolution net_scale 5 0 8 5 Integer Sets the amount of bytes shown per pixel in net_graph. net_showdrop 0 0 1 0 Boolean Shows a message in console when a packet is dropped. This is for both client and server. net_showpackets 0 0 1 0 Boolean Shows incoming/outgoing packets. This is for both client and server. rate 20000 1000 100000 100000 Integer How many bytes per second you allow the server to send. HUD Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description cl_matchreport 0 0 1 0 Boolean Write a match report after every map change into /ag/matchreport directory. cl_old_scoreboard 0 0 1 0 Boolean Set to 1 to use old style scoreboard gui. cl_only_team_talk 0 0 1 0 Boolean You can toggle on/off public chat with this variable. cl_scores 0 0 * 2 Integer Mini scoreboard displayed on your hud. *Set it to the amount of teams/players you want to view. cl_scores_pos "30 30" * * "11 24" Integer Controls the position (x,y) of the mini scoreboard on the screen. Default is top left. *Limited by resolution. cl_show_colors 1 0 1 1 Boolean Toggles on/off ^(0-9) colors in chat, player names etc. cl_showfps 0 0 1 0 Boolean Shows your current FPS in the upper left corner of your screen. con_color "255 180 30" "0 0 0" "255 255 255" "255 255 255" Integer Sets the color of chat messages (in RGB). con_notifytime 4 0 8 0 Integer The amount of time in seconds developer messages display at the top of you screen (only works if developer 1 or 2 is enabled). hud_capturemouse 1 0 1 1 Boolean If disabled, there is no mouse cursor in the command menu. hud_color "255 160 0" "0 0 0" "255 255 255" "0 2550 0" Integer Changes color of the Heads Up Display (in RGB). By using bugged values (2550 2550 2550) you can increase the brightness of the color you wish to use. hud_centerid 0 0 1 0 Boolean Centers player id below crosshair. 0 moves it to the left. Toggles whether the player names are shown in the lower left corner or in the middle of the screen. Player name is shown when your aiming at another player. hud_deathnotice_time 6 0 8 8 Integer Sets the amount of seconds death notices are shown. 0 disables deathnotices. hud_draw 1 0 1 1 Boolean Toggles Heads Up Display on/off. hud_drawhistory_time 5 0 8 5 Integer Sets the ammount of seconds HUD pickup items display. 0 disables HUD weapon pickup items displaying. hud_fastswitch 0 0 1 0 Boolean Toggles fast weapon switch. If on, then weapons switch immediately when you press a number key (slot1-6 must be bound). This has no effect when you're scrolling through your weapons (using invprev and invnext). hud_playerid 1 0 1 0 Boolean Display a players name when you hover your crosshair on their model. hud_saytext 1 0 1 1 Boolean Enable chat messages. hud_saytext_time 5 0 8 8 Integer Sets the amount of seconds chat messages are shown. 0 disables chat messages. hud_spectatebar 1 0 1 1 Boolean Shows the current player and information on how to change spectator modes when spectating. hud_settings 1 0 1 1 Boolean Display the server settings. hud_takesshots 0 0 1 1 Boolean Enables taking snapshots at the end of maps. hud_timer 1 0 3 1 Integer Displays the timer. 0 = disable timer. 1 = time remaining. 2 = time elapsed. 3 = system time. hud_weapon 1 0 1 0 Boolean Display the current weapon as a sprite (good for viewmodel off). traceralpha 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0 Float Sets the transparency of the tracers. Tracers only work with the 9mmAR. tracerblue 0.4 0.0 1.0 0.4 Float Sets the blue value of the tracers. Tracers only work with the 9mmAR. tracergreen 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.8 Float Sets the green value of the tracers. Tracers only workwith the 9mmAR. tracerlength 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.8 Float Sets the length of the tracers. Tracers only work in HL the 9mmAR. traceroffset 30 0 8 30 Integer Sets how far from your weapon the tracers will appear. Tracers only work with the 9mmAR. tracerred 0.8 0.0 1.0 0.8 Float Sets the red value of the tracers. Tracers only work with the 9mmAR. tracerspeed 6000 0 8 6000 Integer Sets the speed of the tracers. Tracers only work with the 9mmAR. v_dark 0 0 1 0 Boolean Setting this to 1 causes the map to fade in from black upon initial load. Video Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description ati_npatch 1 0 1 0 Boolean Enables ATI's TRUform technology, this will result in higher quality models but will decrease performance. brightness 1 0 2 2 Integer Sets the brightness value. cl_bob 0.01 0.0 1.0 0.01 Float Sets the amount that the view bobs while you are running. Recommended to use default cl_bob/cl_bobcycle values, as it can misalign your crosshair. cl_bobcycle 0.8 0.0 8 0.8 Float Sets how frequent the view bobs while running. I would recommend leaving this at the default value. cl_bobup 0.5 0.0 8 0.0 Float Sets the amount the player bobs up while running. Has no effect when cl_bob is 0. cl_himodels 0 0 Boolean Enable hi-def models. This is locked to 0 in AG. cl_waterdist 4 0 8 4 Integer Compensates the view along the surface of water. (not sure if this cvar works anymore) developer 0 0 2 0 Integer Enables developer mode. Developer mode can be used to show information on screen and print advanced information into console. Developer 2 gives more advanced information than developer 1. d_spriteskip 0 0 1 0 Boolean Enables fast sprite rendering. It will skip rendering every N scanlines. fps_max 72.0 20.0 1000.0 100/125 Float Set the maximum frames per second. You can only have over 100 if fps_override is 1 (on). fps_override 0 0 1 1 Boolean Allows for fps greater than 100 if set to 1. gamma 2.5 1.8 3 3 Float Sets the gamma value. gl_affinemodels 0 1 0 1 Boolean Applies openGL perspective correction hints: e.g.: glHint (GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); gl_alphamin 0.25 0.25 Float Controls how filtering of alpha-masked textures (grates, fences etc.) affects the appearance of edges. Higher values makes these objects look "skinnier". 1 makes them completely disappear. gl_ansio 0 0 16 0 Integer For video cards that support anisotropic filtering, it is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures. gl_clear 0 0 1 1 Boolean If you enable gl_clear, it will clear the color-buffer. Basically, this means that when the camera can see into the void, either because of the map extending past the farclip plane or there is some kind of corruption of the map data. This is often used as a debugging tool as the 'gl_clear' color is red. It's used by mappers to search for leaks in their maps. gl_cull 1 0 1 1 Boolean Enables openGL GL_CULL_FACE setting. gl_dither 1 0 1 0 Boolean 16 bit openGL rendering can use a form of dithering where the lack of colour depth is hidden by rounding different ways depending on the pixel being drawn. Setting to 0 can theoretically be faster or less hideous. Then again, it could look more bland. It depends on personal preference. It seems that at 32 bit it doesn't have any effect on walls, only on sky. gl_flipmatrix 0 0 1 0 Boolean A fix for your crosshair if you are using 3dfx drivers (old video cards, example: Voodoo, Voodoo2, Rush or Banshee). gl_keeptjunctions 1 0 1 1 Boolean Keep collinear points added by QCSG/QBSP to fix T-junctions. If you set it to 0 you will see cracks between some textures. gl_lightholes 1 0 1 1 Boolean Controls whether to apply lighting to surfaces with “holes” (not sure if this still actually works). gl_max_size 512 256 512 512 Integer The maximum pixel size which textures are loaded in. The value must be a multiple of 16 to prevent white textures, when a texture is larger than gl_max_size it will be cropped into that size, if the gl_max_size isn't a multiple of 16, it will become a white texture. Although gl_max_size has no maximum value, a value of 512 is the most realistic maximum value of gl_max_size. gl_palette_tex 1 0 1 1 Boolean Enable/disable support for paletted textures. If the GL driver you're using doesn't support the extension, this won't make any difference. But some cards support the extension poorly and support must be disabled using this variable. gl_picmip 0 0 2 0 Integer Sets the rendering quality - higher the number, the faster textures are rendered, but at a cost in quality. gl_polyoffset 0.25 0.001 25.0 0.001 Float Amount of offset to apply to decals on polygons. gl_round_down 3 0 5 0 Integer This is the textures accuracy or the textures rounding. When textures need to be resized they are rounded up or down. Setting it to a low value should make the textures render more accurately and setting it to a high value should make the textures accuracy worse. However this can depend on your video card. gl_spriteblend 1 0 1 1 Boolean It enables alpha-blending on sprites. It's like the rendering quality of the sprites (gl_spriteblend 0 = lower quality) gl_zmax 4096 2048 4096 4096 Integer Sets max zbuffer size. This sets the max viewable distance. This cvar can only be changed with sv_zmax (server Side). lambert 1.5 1.5 Float Sets the lambert level. Lambert is the player model lighting. lightgamma 2.5 1.81 2.5 1.81 Float Sets the in game lightgamma. r_bmodelinterp 1 0 1 0 Boolean Controls whether moving brush models interpolate their positions (smooths presentation). r_cachestudio 1 0 1 1 Boolean Determines whether to cache studio model “hulls” for quicker tests – the cache has a limited size/lifespan. This is a performance optimization. r_decals 4096 0 * 0 Integer Sets the decals (spray logos, bullet holes, explosion scorch marks, blood sprayed on ground/walls) limit. It's max value is *limited to the mp_decals value (server side). r_detailtextures 0 0 1 0 Boolean Toggle on/off detailed textures. r_drawviewmodel 1 0 1 0 Boolean Toggle on/off the view of the weapon model. r_dynamic 1 1 Boolean Dynamic lighting is when lighted objects create projections on the walls or objects around them (eg. rpg trails) r_mmx 0 0 1 0 Boolean Turns on MMX optimizations. MMX is autodetected (1 = on, 0 = off), but you can force it on or off with this. r_norefresh 0 0 1 0 Boolean Setting this to 1 disables the refreshing of the world and HUD. r_novis 0 0 1 0 Boolean First you have to know what is VIS: VIS is short for Visible Information Set. This generates what can and can't be seen from certain locations in the map. Half-Life will then use this information when running the game to help speed up rendering, by only drawing what the player can see. If r_novis is 1 (enabled), it would disable the VIS and would calculate everything in the map. r_wadtextures 0 0 1 0 Boolean Toggles on/off the use of external wad files. r_wateralpha 1 0 1 1 Boolean Enables water alpha-blending. Disabling this causes a mirror like effect similar to gl_clear, from above water. texgamma 2.0 1.8 3.0 1.8 Float Sets the texture gamma amount. Sound Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description cl_ctf_volume 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Float Controls the volume of the CTF sounds. nosound 0 0 1 0 Boolean Should disable all sound, except for certain instances like a footstep sound when a bullet ricochets. room_off 0 0 1 1 Boolean Disable map controlled env_sound entities and play all sounds as normal. room_type 0 0 28 0 Integer Mappers use this to add echo effects, the value gets automatically changed when a player enters a zone with the env_sound entity (unless room_off is set to 1). Different values: 0 = Normal (off). 1 = Generic. 2 = Metal Small. 3 = Metal Medium. 4 = Metal Large. 5 = Tunnel Small. 6 = Tunnel Medium. 7 = Tunnel Large. 8 = Chamber Small. 9 = Chamber Medium. 10 = Chamber Large. 11 = Bright Small. 12 = Bright Medium. 13 = Bright Large. 14 = Water 1. 15 = Water 2. 16 = Water 3. 17 = Concrete Small. 18 = Concrete Medium. 19 = Concrete Large. 20 = Big 1. 21 = Big 2. 22 = Big 3. 23 = Cavern Small. 24 = Cavern Medium. 25 = Cavern Large. 26 = Weirdo 1. 27 = Weirdo 2. 28 = Weirdo 3. suitvolume 0.25 0.0 2.0 0.25 Float Sets the volume of the HEV-suit. This only applies to single player. _snd_mixahead 0.1 0.0 8 0.1 Float Sets the time (in seconds) to delay all sound. Should only be used with severe performance problems. If your sound is skipping or cracking, you may need to change this. volume 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.2 Float Sets the volume level. Voice Settings CVAR Default Min Max Recommended Type Description voice_enable 1 0 1 1 Boolean Enables voice communication through microphone. voice_fadeouttime 0.1 0 8 0.1 Float The amount in seconds a player's voice fades out at the end of saying something on the microphone. This is so the transition to when they stop talking sounds smoother. Put this at 0 if you want to play sounds using HLSS/HLDJ, since this makes the music fade and sound muffled after a song has been playing continuously. voice_forcemicrecord 1 0 1 1 Boolean It sets the recording device to Wave Out Mix, instead of Line 1/Mic. The HL engine tries to make sure the mixer control settings are set properly when the game runs, but not all soundcards work the same way, especially very high-end sound cards like Audigy 2ZS pro cards. If you are having problems with your mic not working after you start a game, try setting this to 0. voice_inputfromfile 0 0 1 0 Boolean When set to one and you use +voicerecord, this will not record your voice but rather play a WAV file from your ag/voice_input.wav. voice_loopback 0 0 1 0 Boolean When enables it and talk on your microphone, this loops back your own voice so you can hear yourself talk. voice_recordtofile 0 0 1 0 Boolean Records your voice to a file when set to 1 and you talk on your microphone. The two files are voice_decompressed.wav (contains no actual sound) and voice_micdata.wav (you speaking). NIEKTÓRE KOMENDY MOGĄ NIE DZIAŁAĆ W CS BO SĄ Z HALF-LIFE!!! Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Ponczeg :3 Napisano 8 Czerwca 2018 Premium #514005 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 8 Czerwca 2018 Cała wikipedie mogłeś skopiować jak już kopiujesz z neta Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Moderator Mumin. Napisano 8 Czerwca 2018 Donator UB Team #514006 Moderator Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 8 Czerwca 2018 Przynajmniej podaj źródła skąd brałeś Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
S4S4N Napisano 12 Czerwca 2018 Autor #514337 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 12 Czerwca 2018 W dniu 08.06.2018 o 15:13, Area napisał: Cała wikipedie mogłeś skopiować jak już kopiujesz z neta Po piewsze to strona internetowa moja i mojego kumpla z half-life i jak bym podał to pewnie byś się pruł że się reklamuję Skopiować to możesz swoje szare komórki. Wbiliście zobaczyć czy podałem źródło? Współczuje wam. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Madziaa<3 Napisano 12 Czerwca 2018 Dziewczyna #514375 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 12 Czerwca 2018 http://www.agp.22web.org/cfg/list-of-cvars.html?i=1 <-- jakby ktoś chciał mieć bardziej czytelne. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
S4S4N Napisano 13 Czerwca 2018 Autor #514446 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 13 Czerwca 2018 Hehe, to właśnie strona mojego kumpla izzo. Dzięki za reklamę ??? Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Grafik Ab3L Napisano 13 Czerwca 2018 #514469 Grafik Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 13 Czerwca 2018 Skończ w końcu zachowywać się jak niewychowany gnojek i naucz się kulturalnie odpowiadać innym. Speedzik dobrze zrobił pisząc to co napisał bo jednak wypadałoby podać źródło z którego skopiowałeś cały tekst obojętnie czy strona należy do Ciebie czy też nie, a tak poza tym to jesteśmy na polskim forum więc mogłeś chociaż przetłumaczyć znaczenie tych komend zamiast iść na łatwiznę i zrobić zwykłe copy paste... i teraz gwóźdź programu, nawet na tej stronie wszystko jest skopiowane z innej strony, jedynie niektóre komendy zostały pominięte ale opisy są identyczne... jeśli ktoś chce pełen spis to bez problemu znajdzie użytkownika od tych komend po nazwie ze zdjęcia Mumin. dodał reakcję 1 Zgłoś @ Udostępnij Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
S4S4N Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Autor #514518 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 18 godzin temu, Ab3L napisał: Skończ w końcu zachowywać się jak niewychowany gnojek i naucz się kulturalnie odpowiadać innym. Speedzik dobrze zrobił pisząc to co napisał bo jednak wypadałoby podać źródło z którego skopiowałeś cały tekst obojętnie czy strona należy do Ciebie czy też nie, a tak poza tym to jesteśmy na polskim forum więc mogłeś chociaż przetłumaczyć znaczenie tych komend zamiast iść na łatwiznę i zrobić zwykłe copy paste... i teraz gwóźdź programu, nawet na tej stronie wszystko jest skopiowane z innej strony, jedynie niektóre komendy zostały pominięte ale opisy są identyczne... jeśli ktoś chce pełen spis to bez problemu znajdzie użytkownika od tych komend po nazwie ze zdjęcia HAHAH jak chcesz dopiero może być niekulturalnie, źródło znalazłem i brakuje tam komend co wychodzi na to że to od nas skopiowali. Siedzisz na forum przez całe życie a nie potrafisz dobrze przejrzeć internetu klaunie. Zrobić poradnik i jeszcze zamiast być wdzięczni to się czepiają frajerzy. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Grafik Ab3L Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 #514519 Grafik Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Oho, internetowy kozaczek właśnie się zbulwersował i ponownie zaczyna wyzywać, ojej tak mi przykro że uraziłem twoje uczucia (zgadza się, "twoje" celowo z małej, cry mode on -chcesz aby inni odnosili się do ciebie z szacunkiem to naucz się okazywania tego samego). Widzę że fajnie tam masz skoro żyjesz w jakimś własnym świecie z własnymi źródłami. Strona scripting elxdraco istniała na długo przed waszymi kopiowanymi wypocinami, a komend jest co najmniej dwa razy więcej... i nie, nie zrobiłeś poradnika. Tylko go skopiowałeś Mumin. dodał reakcję 1 Zgłoś @ Udostępnij Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
S4S4N Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Autor #514528 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Widać że masz z deklem, liżcie sobię wzajemnie dupy. Zobacz na komendy HUD settings i poszukaj ich na tamtej stronie. Kozaczysz to ty bo się wpierdalasz i szukasz sensacji. I jak tu się nie zdenerwować Temat do zamknięcia. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
wQ. Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 #514532 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Więc zamykam. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
wQ. Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 #514533 Zgłoś Udostępnij Napisano 14 Czerwca 2018 Temat został zamknięty przez moderatora. Jeśli nie zgadzasz się z tą decyzja zaraportuj ten post. Pozdrawiamy, Ekipa Pochylnia.pl Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
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