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lsk ss'y - po raz 2 ://


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Nick: lsk


SteamID (je??li posiadasz): STEAM_0:1:19525572

Data i godzina bana: 18-maj-2012 22:24

Czas na jaki go dosta??es: PERM

Pow??d bana: Cheater

Nick admina: Destiny

[AMXBans] ===============================================

[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin Destiny.

[AMXBans] You are permanently banned.

[AMXBans] Banned Nickname: lsk

[AMXBans] Reason: 'See banlist'

[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.Pochylnia.pl

[AMXBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:19525572'

[AMXBans] Your IP: ''

[AMXBans] ===============================================

Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your

ss'y : http://speedy.sh/KHPGw/pochylniactf.rar

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