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nie m??j ban! po raz kolejny ;x


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[AMXBans] ===============================================

[AMXBans] You are banned from this Server!

[AMXBans] You are permanently banned.

[AMXBans] Banned Nickname: MaRcEl002

[AMXBans] Reason: 'wrzuc screeny na Pochylnia.pl'

[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.Pochylnia.pl

[AMXBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_ID_LAN'

[AMXBans] Your IP: ''

[AMXBans] ===============================================

Kicked : You are BANNED. Check your console.



SteamID (je??li posiadasz): STEAM_0:0:47835644

Data i godzina bana:nie wiem

Czas na jaki go dosta??es:perm

Pow??d bana:niby ss'y

Nick admina:

Opis sytuacji: Przez d??u??szy czas nie gra??em na tym serwerze, a dzisiaj pr??buje wej??

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